JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Chemutai Kicks of Criminal Session in Kanungu
Hon. Justice Chemutai inspecting the guard of honor at the Kanungu Court

Rukungiri Resident Judge, Hon. Justice Tom Chemutai has kicked off a High Court Criminal Session at Kanungu Magistrates Court where 43 matters are going to be handled.

The one-month long session has 60 accused persons. Of these, three are out on bail.

During the opening of the session, Hon. Justice Chemutai urged stakeholders to cooperate in order for the session to run smoothly.

Here iterated the Judiciary's commitment to take services closer to the people they serve.

The cause list signed off by the Rukungiri High Court Assistant Registrar, HW Oliver Nantamu indicates that Murder tops the offences to be tried with 20 cases, followed by Aggravated Defilement with 15, Rape with five, Aggravated Robbery and Kidnap with two cases each. One accused person is battling both Murder and Rape charges. 

HW Nantamu said one of the cases to be handled was adjourned from the previous session. Adding that the cases to be handled in the session include breastfeeding mothers, the elderly and the sick.

Posted 12th, September 2023
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